The Best Landscape Under Heaven

Tieweng Cheng Site of Wu Country in Three Kingdoms

Tieweng Cheng (Iron Vat City), also known as Zi City and Jing City, which was first built in AD 195 and formed in AD 209, was a building in the Wu Country of the Three Kingdoms. It is the first city in Zhenjiang’s history. It was also the earliest political center built in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in South China during the Six Dynasties. It was restored on the original site during Jin, Tang, Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties, which has a history of more than 1700 years. The existing site is horseshoe-shaped, about one kilometer around the city. Over the years through archaeological excavations, a large number of bricks, rammed soil layers, underground passages and gate piers of Nancheng Wall have been discovered. In 2000, Tieweng Cheng was declared as a provincial key cultural relic protection site.