The Best Landscape Under Heaven

Baohua Mountain National Park

Baohua Mountain boasts a forest landscape of nearly 30 square kilometers, which is known as four wonders: “beauty of forest and the foot of the mountain, wonderful ridges and peaks, deep caves and valleys, and the spectacular of misty clouds”. Ancient trees, streams, shade, clouds, caves, springs and flowers are all over the mountain. There are many rare trees on the mountain, among which species such as linden and ginkgo grow well, and “Baohua Magnolia” is unique in Baohua Mountain.

Baohua Mountain’s annual “Mountain Tourism Festival” has a long-standing reputation. The content of negative oxygen ions in the air here is as high as 20,000 per cubic centimeter, which makes it a genuine natural oxygen bar. Visitors who come to “Mountain Tourism Festival” can breathe fresh air, enjoy various traditional folk culture exhibitions, handicraft performances and folk song performances, and participate in jogging, kite festival, water-splashing festival, autumn festival, beer and food festival, photography contest and other activities.

Longchang Temple on the mountain is the ancestral temple of Buddhist Ritsu School, and it is known as “the first mountain of Ritsu School”. In Qianhua Ancient Village, a revived “Land of Peach Blossoms” hidden under the mountain, where visitors can experience the characteristic folk customs.

[Qianhua Ancient Village]

The ancient village integrates mountain town, water town and Buddhist town, and combines street culture, Qinhuai culture and Buddhist culture. The village is antique, and the buildings restored according to the historical records show the cultural style of Ming and Qing Dynasties, which are exquisite, clean, beautiful and elegant, and always display rich folk customs of Ming and Qing Dynasties in all respects.

[Longchang Temple]

First built in the first year of Tianjian of Emperor Liang in Southern and Northern Dynasties (AD 502), it has a history of more than 1,500 years with magnificent buildings, and boasts 999 and a half rooms. Due to years of wars, there are only over 300 rooms left in Longchang Temple. According to the Records of Baohua Mountain, “Baohua Ritsu School is the best of 480 Buddhist temples in Jinling”.

[Youxi Valley]

Youxi Valley is mainly composed of the winding spring water system and the natural forests on both sides, where plants are densely distributed and the ecology is superior. Peach blossoms, pear blossoms, Lycoris radiata, Ophiopogon japonicus, azalea, Camellia, etc. on both sides of the water system bloom in different seasons and scatter along water's edge. The stream is like a colorful necklace in nature. Walking in the valley, there is gentle breeze across the face.