The Best Landscape Under Heaven

Danyang Tiandi Carved Stone Garden

Danyang is rich in historical and cultural resources. There are 11 national key cultural relic protection sites and 26 stone carvings in the tombs of the Southern Dynasty. The huge and delicate stone carvings in front of the tombs of the emperors Qi and Liang of the Southern Dynasties can be called national treasures and are one of the best stone carvings in ancient South China.

Danyang Tiandi Carved Stone Garden, with Qi and Liang cultures as the background, displays more than 8,000 fine Chinese carved stones from the Western Han Dynasty (202-8 BC) to the Republic of China (1912-1949), integrating functions of stone carving exhibition, cultural appreciation and leisure and entertainment. There are one temple and seven galleries in the garden: Tiandi Temple, Shihua Gujin Gallery, Shimeng Qiliang Gallery, Shixiu Tianzhen Gallery, Shiqi Tianfu Gallery, Shimo Jinghun Gallery, Shizou Tianyin Gallery and Shiyuan Tiandi Gallery, which bring together four categories of carved stones, namely religious carved stones, tombs carved stones, architecture and life carved stones, and are a great integration and display of Chinese carved stone culture.